
GraphGeeks Talk Ep6: RDF vs Property Graphs: Ask Me Anything

Graphs are changing the way we model, store, and query complex data.

But when it comes to choosing the right type of graph model, the decision often boils down to two major contenders: Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Labelled Property Graphs (LPG).

Each has its own unique strengths, use cases, and challenges.

Watch this GraphGeeks talk and open questions with experts Jesús Barrasa and Dave Bechberger to better understand these approaches.

Also available is a previous discussion between Jesús and Dave: GraphGeeks Podcast Ep3: RDF vs LPG Di...  

Jesus Barrasa has decades of experience implementing graph solutions and a PhD in knowledge representation. Jesus is a co-author of the O’Reilly book Building Knowledge Graphs and also a co-host of the Going Meta live webcast.

Dave Bechberger is known for his expertise in distributed data architecture and graph databases. He has over 20 years of experience, is the co-author of the Manning book Graph Databases in Action, and is a TinkerPop Committer.


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